A reminder about school safety
Posted on April 25, 2023
Please help us to keep all students and staff safe throughout the school day
- All visitors must sign in and out at the FRONT OFFICE
- When picking up your child from an afterschool activity, please wait outside the appropriate doors until asked to sign your student out
- Be aware that cameras are video recording in key areas for safety
- Exterior doors remain locked. Please do not let anyone enter through the doors with you. All guests must sign in and out of the front office and obtain a visitor’s badge.
- Be sure to display your carline tag clearly. Notify the office if an adult not already listed on your authorized pick-up form will be picking up your student.
- No parents should be picking up children from the front of the school at dismissal time.
- No parking at yellow curbs, in front of Muldowney Hall, in front of the church, or anywhere other than a designated parking space.
Thank you so much for helping us keep our students, staff, and faculty safe!