Ways to Help
Below are some recommended ways to help to aid with completing volunteer hour requirements.
Provide baked goods or snacks for various school functions.
Box Tops for Education Coordinator
One person to coordinate the collection and submission of cereal box tops, etc. in exchange for educational equipment. Coordinates the work of the Box Top counters. Ensures that Sacred Heart is enrolled in the program and is informed of deadlines and contests. This can be done at home and the time commitment varies depending on number of box tops collected.
Book Fair
One person needed to organize and schedule workers for the Book Fair, and to train workers. Assist librarian with book fair sales, collect payment from students, count books, etc. Book fair runs one week. Time commitment usually one morning and/or afternoon.
Athletic Booster Club
Support the Sacred Heart Academy sports teams. This can be done by raising money, attending sporting events, taking pictures for the yearbook, or working to help with the Awards Dinner.
Cafeteria Supervisors
Several people needed to help supervise students in the cafeteria and during lunch and at recess each day. Volunteers sign up for one day a week or every other week. Daily commitment from 11:20 – 1:00 p.m. Commitment is for the school year.
Catholic Schools Week
Many workers are needed to help coordinate and plan events during this annual event held in January. A different activity/event takes place on each day of the week. Time commitment varies with each event. Chairpersons for each activity are also needed.
Grandparents Day
Grandparents are able to join their grandchildren for a planned activity during the school day. The event sometimes includes time in the classroom, lunch with the children or a special program put on by the children. Volunteers would escort the grandparents, and host the luncheon or program.
Cheerleading Moderator/Coach
Cheerleading is open to Middle School girls (grades 6-8) during the basketball season. Set up practices once or twice a week during the season and attend the games to moderate the squad. This position can be shared by two interested parents. Organize a spirit rally to be held before one basketball game. Moderator/Coach will assist the younger students during the Saints and Sinners Game
Chess Club
Workers are needed to help supervise the children during Chess Club meetings, and to help with the sign out process.
Cross-Country Program Chair
Assist P.E. teacher with the organization of the cross-country workers for practices after school. Must make sure that there are a sufficient number of workers for each day of practice to cover the supervision of the course and to keep the running times of the runners.
Schoolwide Running Club
Help supervise the course. Time commitment: One hour after school, one or more days per week during cross-country season. Please note that there is a fall and a spring season.
Envelope Sorter
Empty and sort contents of plastic take-home envelopes. Time commitment: 1-2 morning hours during first day of the school week.
Envelope Stuffer
Fill students’ plastic take-home envelopes. Time commitment: 1-2 morning hours during last day of the school week.
Field Day
Workers are needed to assist the P.E. teacher with games and activities on this fun day in May.
Field Trip Drivers/Chaperones
Assist classroom teachers by driving and/or chaperone field trips. Time commitment: One day, several times per year or as needed. Please note: if not acting as a chaperone, worker hours are given only for the drive time.
Fun Run
Many workers are needed for this one-day cross-country meet. Areas of need include: timing, spotting, registering and welcoming visiting teams, supervising the course, working in concessions, taking photographs and setting up the course. Time commitment: Entire morning on event day.
Fun Run Chairperson
Two workers are needed to help the PE teacher coordinate different aspects of this event, including the assignment of workers to the areas of need listed above. The other will be responsible for all food concerns for the race, i.e. concessions, lunch and refreshment table. Time commitment: Approximately 5-8 hours prior to the event and the entire morning on event day.
Fund Raising Committee
Assist chairperson with many fund-raising projects conducted throughout the year. Time commitment depends upon project but much can be done at home as you are available.
Fall Fundraiser
Several workers are needed to help with order/money collection and distribution of product.
Race for Education
Many workers needed to organize materials, assist children with completion of forms and many volunteers needed on race day.
Santa Shop/Breakfast
Several workers are needed to buy gifts for shop, set up/clean up, supervise children while they are shopping, food preparation for breakfast, set up/clean up, tickets, etc.
Guardian Angels
Assist new incoming parents to Sacred Heart as a contact to answer questions, give information and guide them along the way.
Hospitality Committee
Meet and greet parents at various school functions throughout the year. Time commitment depends upon functions. Duties begin the week before school starts in August.
Library Aide
Assist in the library by checking books in and out, shelving and repairing books and other activities as needed. Time commitment varies, usually one morning or afternoon per week.
Reading Worker
Assist classroom teacher in providing reading assistance to students during school day. Time commitment: 1 hour per week, morning or afternoon. Will be used on an as-needed basis.
Room Parent
Coordinate classroom activities, field trips, and special events with the teacher. Some grades are responsible for assisting at receptions for special events. Time commitment varies and extends through the school year. Please note: this position is separate from the Welcoming Committee’s class representatives.
School Photographer
Take, categorize, and display pictures of school events. This is a year-long commitment.
School Picture Day Aide
Several workers are needed to line up classes, hand out combs, and collect payment envelopes. Time commitment: One morning and part of afternoon on picture day.
School Scrapbook
Help maintain the school scrapbook by adding photographs and mementos of the school year to the scrapbook for the year.
Science Lab Aide
Several workers are needed to assist the teachers in grades K-8 with science labs either in the classroom or in the Science Lab. Assist teachers in lab set-up and clean up. This is a school-year commitment. Will be called on an as-needed basis.
Scrip Program
Help implement this fundraising program. This can be done by assisting in the organization or tracking the results and purchases of this program.
Shrove Tuesday Supper
One person to chair and several other workers are needed to organize, plan, and implement the PTO Shrove Tuesday pancake supper scheduled for the day before Ash Wednesday.
Used Uniform Coordinator
Supervise the collection and organization of used uniforms for several sales held throughout the year. Also, be available the day of the sales. This can be done on your own schedule but is a year long commitment.
Used Uniform Worker
Three to four workers are needed to assist the coordinator in organizing the used uniforms at various times throughout the year. Also, be available the day of the sales.
Welcoming Committee
Many workers are needed to organize and participate in several functions directed towards families new to Sacred Heart Academy. Time commitment varies depending upon the event/activity.
Writers Hand Literary Magazine
Workers are needed to assist teachers to organize and produce the students’ literary magazine.