Tuition and Financial Aid
Click for Tuition Fees Schedule 2024-2025. Check for Tuition Fees Schedule 2025-2026. Or click here to review our Tuition Policy on categories of tuition, payment, late payments, late registration, tuition assistance, etc.
For additional questions, please contact the Academy and we will be happy to assist you.
Financial Aid
The Diocesan and Sacred Heart of Jesus aid programs are intended to provide assistance to families seeking a Catholic education in the schools of the Arlington Diocese, and Sacred Heart Academy, specifically. They are open to all qualified students whose parents might not otherwise be able to pay the full cost of tuition.
At this time, the tuition assistance application window is open until March 15. Begin your application here: FACTS Tuition Management. It is our hope that the cost of education is not an impediment for any family who truly desires a Catholic education for a child. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Anthony-Price at 540-808-2736 or