Mary-Faith Tantillo

For the week of test

Subject Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Students will (SW) explore the historical development of people, places, and
patterns of life from ancient times until 1500 AD in terms of the impact
Western Civilization. SW explore maps, analyze early cultural societies, the
beginnings of civilizations, classical civilizations of China, India, Greece and
Rome and finally students will explore, analyze, discuss and compare and
contrast Rome’s three heirs: Islam, Byzantine Empire, and Christianity. SW
also explore Catholic Black History and our Catholic Identity in World
This class will be primarily assessed through various kinds of projects.
Projects will integrate writing skills and be research based. STREAM
elements will be incorporated in all projects. SW be engaged in all aspects of
their projects. My philosophy is that the engaged student is empowered to
learn and is given permission to be brave.

Students will (SW) explore and learn concepts in civics, economics, and geography as they study US history in chronological sequence. SW analyze the impact of individuals as well as speeches and great documents during this time period that influenced the growth and development of the United States. SW explore, in depth, the causes and the events that led to the Civil War. This class will also incorporate Catholic Social Teachings including aspect of Catholic Black History.

This class will be primarily assessed through various kinds of projects. Projects will integrate writing skills and be research based. STREAM elements will be incorporated in all projects. SW be engaged in all aspects of their projects. My philosophy is that the engaged student is empowered to learn and is given permission to be brave.

Students will (SW) analyze American history since 1877 continuing their study of civics, economics, and geography. SW explore the post Civil War United States comparing and contrasting the different paths the South and the North would take. SW examine the massive technological revolution, especially in the North, as well as the economic revolution of the Gilded Age. SW develop and understanding of how the United States became involved in the world theater to becoming the world’s most powerful nation. SW become familiar with the key individuals and events that shaped the world after the US Civil War. This class will also explore our Catholic Identity in the development of the US as a world power as well as Black Catholic history, especially those who helped in the Civil Rights movement.
This class will be primarily assessed through various kinds of projects. Projects will integrate writing skills and be research based. STREAM elements will be incorporated in all projects. SW be engaged in all aspects of their projects. My philosophy is that the engaged student is empowered to learn and is given permission to be brave.

Silence in halls unless at lockers-quiet speak is permitted as students help each other at that time
Walk in straight lines one block away from wall, body behind body
Students will be permitted to chat while they are working but if the light is turned off they are to be silent
Objective and question of the day will be on the white board, on the right side. SW come in and begin work on the QofD/Daily Warm Up.
When bell rings, door will be closed, students not in class will receive a tardy slip. 3 tardies will result in detention.
Class will have an opening prayer
TW go over question of day with students. TW review objective.
SW begin work on planned activity.
5-8 minutes before bell SW stop activity and begin to put materials away. SW get out agenda books and write the hw. HW will be on the white board on the left side, with the due date.
While students are writing their hw, TW walk around signing the agenda books and leading a discussion of what was covered that day.
SW quietly get up, push in chairs and leave the classroom when they are dismissed.