SCRIP Fundraising

How it Works

Sacred Heart Academy purchases bulk gift cards at a discount off their face value (1.5 to 25%) from participating retailers. When you buy the cards dollar-for-dollar and spend them, as you would cash, our school receives the discount as revenue! It is a very simple, no cost way to support the school. Everyone wins:

  1. The retailer gets cash up front and repeat business from us;
  2. Families get a powerful fundraising option that requires no selling;
  3. Our school gets a regular source of revenue which helps keep our parish subsidy within line.

There really is no limit to how this program can be used to the benefit of our community. With a parish our size, the amount could be quite significant.

3 Ways to Order

  1. Order Online. It’s FREE and EASY! Place orders before Monday at 10pm and get your cards in the Friday envelope. Use enrollment code: 75BL5E674734
  2. Download and print the order form and send it with a check to the school inside your child’s envelope.
  3. A SCRIP representative is also available after Mass in the narthex and is able to place orders for any cards or you may purchase from our selection of popular cards available from the SCRIP supplies on-hand. Store card variety/availability may vary from week-to-week.

Pick Up

Your orders will be submitted weekly and, once received, will be sent home with your child in their envelope. SCRIP cards can also be picked up after Mass or at the school office. Volunteers are greatly appreciated and NEEDED to assist in selling SCRIP at Masses and with various other duties. If you have any questions, please contact Alyson Rosso.